Hispanic Observatory

The Hispanic Observatory is the first independent think tank for international and strategic studies in the world to be exclusively dedicated to the Spanish-speaking world.


the first-ever Hispanic focused think tank of its kind.

As the first-ever Hispanic focused think tank of its kind, the Hispanic Observatory has its main office in London. It is associated with Elcano Royal Institute in Spain and it works closely with other think tanks and academic institutions in the UK, USA and Latin America. The Hispanic Observatory builds networks among policy, makers, entrepreneurs, academics and intellectuals in order to make sense of the crucial issues affecting the Hispanic world from the different perspectives of its nations.

The Hispanic Observatory provides an exciting opportunity to ensure that the unique and shared legacy of the world’s Spanish-speaking nations and communities can continue to flourish and strengthen their role in the global sphere.

A total of 21 countries have Spanish as their official language and more than 500 million people are native Spanish speakers.

Sponsors and Donors:


Sierra Oil & Gas

Elcano Royal Institute

Ortega y Gasset Foundation

Fundacion Oro Molido

Ainda Consultores

Hispania London

Del Canto Chambers